Dragonfly v. 2.0 Observatory controller

Dragonfly v. 2.0 Observatory controller

Dragonfly v. 2.0 Observatory controller


Dragonfly, The Lunatico device to remotely control your roll-off roof observatory, also from your mobile or tablet!

Διαθέσιμο με Προπαραγγελία

Διαθέσιμο με Προπαραγγελία

Στην περίπτωση αυτή περιλαμβάνονται προϊόντα που συνήθως δεν κρατάμε σε στοκ και για κάποιους λόγους -που δεν εξαρτώνται από την εταιρία μας- δεν μπορούν να είναι διαθέσιμα σε διάστημα μικρότερο των 14 ημερών.Στην κατηγορία αυτή περιλαμβάνονται και προϊόντα που προδιαφημίζονται από τους κατασκευαστές αλλά δεν άρχισε ακόμη η επίσημη διανομή τους στην ελληνική αγορά. Πιθανόν για τα είδη αυτά να παρέχεται δυνατότητα προπαραγγελίας με ειδική προνομιακή τιμή. Αν γνωρίζουμε ήδη την πιθανή ημερομηνία άφιξης του συγκεκριμένου προϊόντος, στις αποθήκες μας, τότε αυτή θα αναγράφεται ξεχωριστά και επάνω από την ένδειξη «Διαθέσιμο με Προπαραγγελία»

Διαθεσιμότητα: Σε απόθεμα

Dragonfly v. 2.0 Observatory controller

Dragonfly, The Lunatico device to remotely control your roll-off roof observatory, also from your mobile or tablet!

With the new software version, including:

  • Relay restrictions (do not close relay if…)
  • Roof control from the main panel
  • Improved log window
  • New DragonflyConfigurator software to manage the internal settings
  • New macros, actions the Dragonfly can perform autonomously, very powerful (internet connectivity testing, email / push message sending, wake on lan, relay open / close, sensor checks, etc.)
  • Internal clock, with timezone support (useful for macros)
  • 3 level password protection
  • improved ZeroConf connections
  • Log automatically recorded to disk, including any relay activity

… and of course some internal improvements and fixes.

The new hardware addresses some network problems, found mostly at shared observatories with a lot of network activity, and improved relay protection in case of power supply noise.

Top 6 reasons to get a Dragonfly:
  1. Smart: can perform operations by itself (for example, send you an email or push message, reboot the router if no internet, WOL, etc…)
  2. Smartphones support: custom control app
  3. Universal: with ZeroConf, access it from anywhere – no configuration required
  4. Versatile: roof open and close operations can be customized. Actions can be launched when a sensor or relay changes.
  5. Secure: password protection available (3 levels)
  6. Supported: complete ASCOM and INDIGO and INDIlib roof and switch drivers


With the Dragonfly you can:

  • switch on and off lights and equipment
  • open and close the observatory roof
  • control 8 relays (4 of them double NO/NC, and 4 NO)
  • monitor the AAG Cloudwatcher and check for safe or unsafe weather conditions
  • monitor, using magnet or mechanical sensors the mount’s position, the status of the roof…
  • ZeroConfiguration network system
  • ASCOM switch & dome interfaces
  • Improved internal web server:
    • simple page to manage the relays and sensors,
    • javascript for web page integration

… ASCOM support is available, and also INDIGO and INDIlib. And with a free application for mobiles and tablets.



Lunatico Dragonfly in App Store Lunatico Dragonfly in Google Play


Dragonfly / Internet switch comparation




Relay control YES YES
Actions on relay changes YES NO
Sensor display YES YES
Actions on sensor changes YES NO
Watchdog, internet monitor, messaging… YES NO
Smart (autonomous operation) YES NO
Versatility TOTAL VERY LOW
ZeroConf YES NO
Relay Safety (restrictions) COMPLETE NO


Technical specifications:

  • Manages 8 relays (4 of them double NO/NC, and 4 NO), to switch DC or AC
  • 8 input sensors: magnet, contact, etc
  • Extremely protected against noise
  • Direct network connection (ethernet)
  • Power supply: 12V (up to 24V is fine), D.C., requires less than 1A, standard 5.5 / 2.1mm jack, positive inside. Important: highly recommended to have the Dragonfly on its own power supply.
  • Size: 135 * 61 * 244 mm. box only (total mounted 157 * 70 * 244 mm.)
  • Easy installation with DIN rails (optional)

Please note, if you’re going to install more than one controller in the same observatory (same network), don’t forget to let us know so we can change the network name of the controller prior to shipment.


Included in the delivery:

  • DragonFly controller
  • Banana male connector (8 units)

Power supply not included

The Dragonfly also allows you to take flats in a simple way. Check the flats panels available in several sizes.




Example screens

Dragonfly documentation:

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