PlaneWave CDK350 Telescope System f/7.2

PlaneWave CDK350 Telescope System f/7.2

PlaneWave CDK350 Telescope System f/7.2


PlaneWave CDK350 Telescope System f/7.2 consits of the CDK14 and the L-350 Direct Drive Mount with integrated high resolution encoders and high speed slewing.

33.899,00 €

Διαθέσιμο με Προπαραγγελία

Διαθέσιμο με Προπαραγγελία

Στην περίπτωση αυτή περιλαμβάνονται προϊόντα που συνήθως δεν κρατάμε σε στοκ και για κάποιους λόγους -που δεν εξαρτώνται από την εταιρία μας- δεν μπορούν να είναι διαθέσιμα σε διάστημα μικρότερο των 14 ημερών.Στην κατηγορία αυτή περιλαμβάνονται και προϊόντα που προδιαφημίζονται από τους κατασκευαστές αλλά δεν άρχισε ακόμη η επίσημη διανομή τους στην ελληνική αγορά. Πιθανόν για τα είδη αυτά να παρέχεται δυνατότητα προπαραγγελίας με ειδική προνομιακή τιμή. Αν γνωρίζουμε ήδη την πιθανή ημερομηνία άφιξης του συγκεκριμένου προϊόντος, στις αποθήκες μας, τότε αυτή θα αναγράφεται ξεχωριστά και επάνω από την ένδειξη «Διαθέσιμο με Προπαραγγελία»

Διαθεσιμότητα: Σε απόθεμα

PlaneWave CDK350 Telescope System f/7.2

Based on the technology of our PW-1000 (1-meter) Observatory telescope, PlaneWave combines its revolutionary optical systems with its brand new innovative L-Series direct drive mount that sets a new standard for small observatory telescopes.

PlaneWave CDK350 Telescope System f/7.2 consits of the CDK14 and the L-350 Direct Drive Mount with integrated high resolution encoders and high speed slewing.

The abbreviation CDK stands for the optical system of the PlaneWave astrographs - a Dall Kirkham Cassegrain with a optical correction unit. The result is a CDK 14" which is free from off-axis coma and off-axis astigmatism, yielding a perfectly flat field all the way out to the edge of a 70mm image circle.

PlaneWave CDK350 Telescope System f/7.2 with Fused Silica Optics

incl. a CDK14 Astrograph and L-350 Mount

  • CDK14 Astrograph, 14 inch, modified to Dall-Kirkham, with fully corrected image field
  • 3" Dovetail, focal length 2.563 mm (f/7.2) and 70 mm field of view without any field curavature, off-axis coma, or astigmatism
  • Delta T Ready, 3,5" Hedrick Focuser and EFA Kit separately available
  • L-350 can hold payload of over 45 kg (100 lbs), for CDK14
  • Zero Backlash, Zero Periodic Error
  • Incredible slew speed up to 50 degrees per second
  • With integrated high resolution encoders

Fused Silica

Fused Silica is a synthetic amorphous silica glass of the highest purity and one of the most transparent glasses made. The optical and thermal properties of fused silica are superior to other types of glass due to its purity. Its transmission and homogeneity exceed those of crystalline quartz without the problems of temperature instability inherent in the crystalline form. Fused Silica has a coefficient of thermal expansion six times lower than Borosilicate (Pyrex) glass, which means that as fused silica cools down, it preserves its shape to a high degree of accuracy. This translates into consistent optical performance and unchanging focus over temperature changes. With its high melting temperature ()~ 1.600 degree Celsius), a very low coefficient of thermal expansion and resistance to thermal shock, fused silica is the material of choice for professional observatories as well as various scientific applications.

The L-Series combines versatility, simplicity and affordability by combining all the technology of our Observatory class telescopes into a compact stand-alone mount.

The mount is equipped with direct drives motors as well as high-resolution encorders. The software is ASCOM compatible and the direct drive motors can move the telescope at incredible speeds for tracking satellites.

In its Alt/Az configuration it is considerably more compact than its equatorial counterpart, allowing a larger telescope to fit in a smaller enclosure. The mass it takes to make a rigid alt/az mount is substantially less, leading to cost savings. Unlike German Equatorial mounts, there are no meridian flips to deal with, and no  large protruding counterweights to create a dangerous hazard in a public observatory. Alt/Az is more intuitive to use and no polar alignment is needed.

L-Series Features:

  • Direct-drive motors on each axis for smooth, fast, and virtually silent movement of the telescope
  • Slew speeds up to 50 degrees per second
  • High resolution encoders on each axis for precise positioning
  • Zero backlash, Zero periodic error
  • Latitude Range:  0 to 90 degrees, Northern and Southern hemispheres
  • Enclosed electronics
  • Through the mount cabling: Access panels in the fork arm and azimuth axis allow for camera equipment cabling through the inside of the mount.
  • Dual mounting bracket: PlaneWave style mounting bracket to hold CDK17/20 onto inside of fork arm with additional option of mounting a scope on the outside of the fork arm. Optional dovetail clamp required.
  • Azimuth dovetail balance system: For precise center of gravity balance whether in Alt-Az or Equatorial configuration

Control System

  • User Interface: PlaneWave Interface 4 (PWI4) Control Software with integrated PointXP mount modeling software
  • Slew Rate: 20 degrees per second (standard); 50 degrees per second (maximum), both axes
  • Home position sensors are included allowing the mount can find its home position on power up.


Για την αποστολή του τηλεσκοπίου, απαιτείται η μεταφορά του από το εξωτερικό, με έξτρα κόστος ειδικής συσκευασίας και μεταφορικών. Τα κόστη αυτά αφορούν την μεταφορά του τηλεσκοπίου από το εξωτερικό στην Ελλάδα και είναι ανεξάρτητα από το κόστος μεταφορικών εντός Ελλάδας. Παρακαλούμε, επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας για το συνολικό κόστος.

Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά
Καθ.Βάρος (γρ.) 72000
Οπτικός Σχεδιασμός Κατοπτρικό Dall-Kirkham
Διάμετρος (mm) 356
Εστιακή Απόσταση - F (mm) 2563
Εστιακός Λόγος (f/) 7.2
Χαρτοκιβώτιο 1 787 x 660 x 1346 mm ( 102.1 Kg )
Χαρτοκιβώτιο 2 635 x 122 x 76 mm ( 124 Kg )

In the box:

CDK 14

  • Heating elements for dew prevention – The heating pads on the primary and secondary mirror require the #1329110  Delta-T controller and sold separately
  • OTA cover – To protect the primary mirror and inside of the optical tube
  • Flash Drive – Contains software and instructions for collimation and spacing the primary to the secondary mirror
  • Wrench set (5812A35) – Standard hex wrenches (European Orders Only)
  • Soft cover for secondary mirror
  • 12v AC adapter

L-350 Mounts

  • Hardware 
    • Six 3/8-16 x ¼ “socket head cap screws to bolt the mount to the pier, or wedge.
    •   Six 3/8-16 x ¼” washers
    •   One extended length shoulder bolt for RA axis to EQ wedge alignment
  • EZ- Saddle – The 600182 accepts Losmandy D style dovetail rails such as the CDK12.5 and CDK14. The saddle come standard with the L-350 mount and can also be attached to the outside arm of any L-Series mount for dual mounted OTA configurations
  • One 16’ USB cable – to connect the mount to the observatory control computer
  • One 120VAC power cable – To provide to the mount
  • Standard Allen Key set – For tightening bolts used on the mount
  • Flash drive – Contains PWI4 software for mount control and instructions for installation



Optical Design
Corrected Dall-Kirkham (CDK)
Aperture (mm)
14" (356 mm)
Focal Length
2.563 mm (101 inch)
Focal Ratio
Image Field
70 mm
Back Focus Distance
11.09" (282 mm) from Mounting Surface
Central Obstruction
23.5% by surface area, 48.5% of the Diameter
Fused Silica
Optical Tube Weight
48 lbs (22 kg)
Alt-Az or Equatorial configuration
Payload Capacity (kg)
100 lbs (45 kg)
Mount Weight
110 lbs (50 kg)
Latitude Range
0 to 90 degrees, Northern and Southern hemisphere
Slew Speeds
20 degrees per second (standard); 50 degrees per second (maximum), both axes
Tracking accuracy
< .3 arcsecond error over 5 minute period
Pointing Precision
2 arcsecond
All-sky pointing accuracy
<10 arcsecond RMS with PointXP Model (L-500)
System Natural Frequency
10 Hz or greater
Control system electronics
PlaneWave Interface dual axis telescope control
PlaneWave Interface (PWI4). Incorporates PointXP mount modeling software by Dave Rowe All ASCOM compatible
Homing Sensors
Home position sensors are included allowing the mount can find its home position on power up
Motor Torque
Approximately 20 ft-lbs continuous; 50 ft-lbs peak
Azimuth and Altitude: Direct Drive 3 Phase Axial-Flux Torque Motors
Motor Control
Industrial grade brushless motor control system and built in electronics
152mm disk built into the azimuth and altitude axes with stainless steel encoder on the circumference with reader yields 18,880,000 counts per revolution of the telescope. This translates to about 0.069 arcsecond resolution
Power Requirements
Accepts 120 VAC. Supplied with 12VDC 15A Regulated Power Adapter
Control system electronics
PlaneWave Interface dual axis telescope control
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